Sunday, 16 June 2013

Sunday 16th June 2013 - Twiglet's not so great escape!

Three days post op, Twiglet has decided that he can now revert back to running as fast as he can up and down, round and round the garden, in through the patio door and back again.  Noooooooo!!! To my surprise he did an excellent "stop!" mid garden when I shouted with my arm raised, only to look at me and continue at the same speed - need to work on that!  I then caught Elvis barking at his crate, only to discover that Twiglet had settled himself down in Elvis's crate for a snooze.  He was promptly removed!  He does like to sneak into Harry's bed when Harry emerges, and I get him out immediately to stop him getting another pasting!  I did not see him get into Elvis' bed so have to watch this.  It is possibly because their beds are more comfortable because they have not shredded their vet bed!
Just had my neighbour knock on the door to say that Twiglet was in her garden and she didn't know how he got there but didn't want to scare him!  Whilst we were having a conversation over the fence, Twiglet appeared looking very smug!  This was a huge surprise to me as having had 2 labrador puppies with no escape, we were convinced that our garden was escape-proof but Twiglet, being part Whippet, is distinctly slimmer than a labrador puppy and had pushed one of the fence sticks across to make a hole just big enough to get through!  There was also a clear trail of flattened plants showing his route through the fence so he was not stealthy enough!  We then set about sorting out the fence which typically was between  a holly bush and a Yukka plant - poor Chris, trying to do a professional repair whilst being attacked by prickly plants, was a true comedy moment!  Having said all that, Twiglet is doing well with his training and has almost learnt to "stand". 


  1. I am waiting for the next episode. x

    1. Thanks for the reminder Pauline - had a busy month but back on the case now with more humerous adventures! How did you hear about us?

  2. Hi heard about you from doglost, which I read every day.
