Friday, 31 May 2013

Friday 24th May. We've caught him!

Friday 24th May.  I return to the cul-de-sac with another food bowl and once again, Twiglet starts to come towards me.  It is raining and I squat down on the pavement and start to throw dog treats casually in his direction without making eye contact.  He comes towards me and I throw the treats closer and closer to me so that Twiglet is close enough to touch.  I didn't want to get it wrong so I let him back off, and started the process again.  Eventually Twiglet was so close that I was able to put my hand gently on his collar and get a lead around his neck.  Nothing happened.  He just stood in the rain and looked at me with truly grateful eyes.  My husband then carried Twiglet back to our house where I waited for him to return from the woods with the crate.  We took him straight to the vet and discovered that he was just over a year old, very friendly, and riddled with worms.  £50 lighter and armed with special shampoo, and various parasite medication.  We set about cleaning him up.  We put him on our bath on a towel and showered him down, putting the special medicated shampoo on him and rinsing it off.  Twiglet was a star and looked so skinny when his messy fur was all wet.  We then dried him, fed him, and put him in the crate in our garden building with the heater on.

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