Friday, 29 November 2013

Twiglet tries flyball!

Twiglet has done so well with his dog training that we were asked to demonstrate some weaves in class the other day - impressive!  He now has one 6 week course left before we enter the Club Class which is the highest level class at our training school, and where Elvis and Harry are.
Now we have reached this stage we were allowed to try Fun Flyball for the first time this week.  We started on in a polytunnel with sand on the floor - just like a beach - and one at a time, the dogs, having warmed up with obedience work and different-paced heel work, had to go over 4 agility jumps off-lead and then stop!  We watched the first 2 dogs complete this with ease and then it was our turn.  Couldn't believe it, he went over the 4 jumps and stopped in a perfect sit at the end!  However, my relief was short-lived as, before I could get his lead back on, he launched into a "beach frenzy", completing 4 laps of the polytunnel in about 10 seconds, and was clearly not in the mood to be caught!!  Fortunately everyone found it amusing, but the only way to stop him was for me to leave the tunnel.  As I got to the door, I found Twiglet by my side in perfect heel-work position, panicking that I was going to leave him - one advantage of his separation anxiety!
When we progressed to the other indoor area to do flyball, Twiglet was a star, running to the box really quickly, retrieving the ball (he does still think he's a labrador), and returning to me faster than he went out (usually dogs go out faster than they return).  He was beside himself with excitement and we had a fantastic fun evening.  Can't wait to try this again!
Everyone at dog training thinks he's lovely and he had lots of cuddles.  Having DNA tested him we now know that he is first cross Bedlington Terrier and Whippet.  My trainer and I both thought that he had Collie in him as he is so clever and loves working, but this is not the case.
Twiglet and I are now booked into a heel work to music workshop with Richard Curtis in January so I'm sure there will be plenty of fun stuff to write about.

Autumn Update

This is Twiglet taking part in the "Have a go Search and Rescue" activity at Paws in the Park.  I had to hide in a tent without him knowing which one, and then he had to find me - clearly he was looking for me at speed!!  He also took part in Dash n Splash at Paws in the park and came 3rd in the small dog category, jumping 15 feet!  Twiglet does get cold, so unlike Elvis and Harry who can jump several times, Twiglet needs to do 3 jumps maximum and then be dried and wrapped up in his coat!  Any excuse for a cuddle!
Since my last post, Twiglet and Harry have become firm friends:

Clearly my dogs are not allowed on the furniture - although they seem to have other ideas and I couldn't resist the photo!
Twiglet came on holiday with us to Southwold for August where he learned to battle the waves and charged about on the beach.
I love this photo as he looks like such a happy dog!